Problem: How many minutes to 6 o’clock ?

4.17K viewsMathematicsalgebra clock maths puzzles

Fifty minutes ago it was four times as many minutes to 6 o’clock from 3 o’clock.
How many minutes is it to 6 o’clock ?

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Let it be x minutes to 6 o’clock from now

There are 180 minutes between 3 to 6 o’clock, hence current time is 180-x

Time , 50 minutes ago was 180-x-50 = 130-x

Since 50 minutes ago it was 4 times as many minutes to 6 o’clock

which means 130-x = 4x => 130 = 5x => x = 26 minutes.

Thus, it’s 26 minutes to 6 o’clock from now

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